Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Steve Harvey tweeted it best, "A positive attitude...
Today I am REVIVING this Blog to continue to encourage others with truth. Steve Harvey mentioned in a tweet, "A positive attitude brings about change." I agree and would also add that it brings about a good change. So let us begin each morning with the "ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE" just for waking up to the breath of life. Someone woke you up this morning; No, not you, your mother, father, alarm clock, etc., but the Grace of our Creator.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Judge Me Right!

When we walk in the integrity of our word, anyone who judges, can only do it rightfully. Why? Remember the saying, "Your word is bond". Well it is, or nowadays it should still be. We are not able to separate who we are from what we say. But first our words must be right and true in depth of nature from which it came....from the source of self. This is what builds integrity and people will know and feel that we are real even if they don't agree.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Be a Time Investor not Waster!

Time is a precious commodity. It is something we are each dealt an equal amount of---no discrimination. What we do with our time really determines our destiny. Dreams can only come into really when we stop thinking about it and be about it----do something about it by taking advantage of the time we have and being productive. People who miss appointments or are late for an appointment, proves they don't value time or the people they are dealing with. Once time is lost, just like life, we can never get it back. So STOP being a time waster and began being a time investor.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Do It Now!

Do what you fear and watch it disappear! What is it you desire to do? Have you put your dreams on hold even the more because you think: "I'm too old"- "it's too late"- "I don't have time now" or you have the "Who", "What", "How", "Why" syndrome. Throw all those out of the window, Now. Just start now by doing a simple thing like writing. Write down that dream you still have hidden in your heart to do. Then begin making a plan and schedule on how you will fit the "do" into your daily life just maybe an hour each day or every other day until it comes to view for all to see. As long as you are alive, you can do it.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Be Grateful For What You Have!

You can never have what you want until you want what you have. Many may not understand this statement. It clearly means that we can be so in pursuit of something, neglecting to cherish what we already have. For example: You may have a used car that's paid for, but seeking to get a brand new car with monthly payments, when in actuality, you fail to keep the one you have tuned up and oil changed at the proper time. Does that make sense to you? What we have in our lives now is what we deserve! If you disagree with this statement because you don't like your situation, take note that you played a part in where you are in your life, whether you allowed somethings to take place or you actually took action that put you in the position you are currently in today. The truth hurts, but it healing. We can begin to make quality decisions and make changes for the best.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Work it! You're Worth it!

Phil. 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. We are created in the image and likeness of the Creator of all things in heaven, earth and in the seas. Therefore, each individual has a divine spark of genius within. Once we really understand this, then life becomes easy. Desires don't seem so far off. But mind you with this comes a great responsibility of self-discipline. Walking uprightly and living our lives according to divine will. Then through diligence in working on our dreams and goals continuously, they begin to emerge and come into manifestation. Now faith means right now action. So reach and work to make your dreams come true. Work it! You are worth it.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Understand Balance and Overcome!
Everything is enter/exit, up/down, light/dark, etc. Although opposites, they encompass the balance of life. In our down or dark times in life we must not see it for negative, but a time where we must BE STILL, reflect on the circumstances we're being confronted with in order that we correct errors. We are better equipped mentally to handle situations when we are in a mindset of peace. Why? We will not allow things to disturb our oneness with the Most High and then wisdom comes quickly with instructions on how to overcome and have a victory report in the end.
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