Sunday, February 27, 2011

Desire, Faith and Manifestation

Desire is the flower that must be watered by your faith. Now faith is an act. Therefore, faith without works is void. Do what you desire! Don't stop! Press, push and pursue continuously until you see the desire manifest before your eyes. Despise the doubt, shame or negative words from those that don't see what you see. They're not supposed to see it; for the dream was given to you. As you saw it in your mind, you will see it in time, if you are diligent in well doing. With diligence, you will reap in your season.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What are you expecting? Do you have the faith for it?

What are you expecting to happen in your life? What are your hopes and dreams? Better yet, Do you have the faith for it? What I mean is, do you really believe that what you desire in your heart will and can happen or are you just dreaming your life away.

Desire means that the destiny exist. There is no way you can imagine something great from within and there not be an answer for you to accomplish it. If we see it in our mind we can see it in time, but only if we act upon it. The faith for it is the actions we are willing to put forward to make whatever dreams we have come to reality. Like Nike says, "Just Do it"! Start by writing it down on paper and getting a plan together. Then move and begin implementing what is necessary. It won't happen over night, but the diligent one will prosper in whatever he/she puts action to.

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Giver is the Getter!

Whatever you are in need of in life, give/share it!
*Need more love, give more love.
*Need more money, give/invest more energy/money.
*Need more time with your man or woman, make yourself move available when they need it.

*Need to save your family from divorce: GIVE your husband/wife priority over the children; GIVE more of your ear to hear the problem and increase communication: GIVE up your time and make their time with you more valuable; GIVE time to strategies for collective financial increase if this is an issue; GIVE UP THE GOSSIP TO OTHER PEOPLE ABOUT YOUR FAMILY PROBLEMS, ESPECIALLY IF THEY ARE NOT QUALIFIED TO HELP YOU!

It's the law of reciprocity: that which a man sows, that he shall also reap. It works. The giver is the getter!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Time Waits for No One!

Every purpose in life is ordered by the Most High through time. It's a gift to us to operate systematically and orderly as we go through our daily routine. Time is our only true commodity. It is something every man, woman, boy and girl is equally given (our right of equality). It doesn't discriminate, giving some of us more in a day than others.

The difference in the outcome of people lives is the value that is placed on the time given in a moment, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year or season. Why do some people accomplish more than others? Because they value time enough to be consistent in working towards a desired goal until accomplished.

It's not too late to accept time for it's true value and not waste anymore. Begin by doing things in a timely manner, not waiting to the last minute. Redeem the time lost in areas of life by refocusing yourself and getting rid of the time wasters in your life. Take more time to change your world then "the world"!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Morals and Values for Living Life

The original morals and values for living life to it's fullest are not lost. They still exist, but as new generations have been birthed on the scene these principles haven't been taught to them. Let's open your eyes and take a look around. It's CHAOS! With society today, anything goes and the conscience to do right and live a life of honor and integrity has been severed in the minds of many people.

In order to change the world, we must first change our world by taking inventory of our lives to see if we are being great examples of love in every aspect of our lives. One important question is, "Do I know what real love is?" Don't answer so quickly. Let's use that question as a stepping stone.