Friday, May 27, 2011

Corrective Criticism-Can You Handle It?

Open rebuke is better than secret love. What does this mean? Many people may disagree with this statement, but it comes right from the book of wisdom, Proverbs. To rebuke someone is to bring correction. For example, if a child is wondering in the street, will you whisper to them or yell to get their attention so they can get out of harms way. So, it is with open rebuke. Correction should be given immediately, not worrying about hurting someone's feelings...and let's not be quick to correct someone just for our own glory. We must check ourselves as well. Are we open to corrective criticism? Can we "man-up" and take responsibility for our mistakes without defending our wrongness or making excuses? The sacred scriptures also mention, faithful are the wounds of a friend. Those who love us will tell the truth no matter what and be there in our time of healing.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Beauty in Just Being You!

True beauty is appreciated when we DO NOT compare ourselves to others. Individually, we are all born with uniqueness; from facial features, body structure, height, etc. This means that you and I cannot be duplicated. That's a wonderful thing. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made, Marvelous are the works of He who created us! I'm so happy no one looks just like me. Although I favor my sisters and many people say my nieces favor me more so than my daughter, there is no one like me! And just the same with go ahead love on the beauty and uniqueness of just being you.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Happiness vs. Joy

Happiness is based on what favorable happens in our life. This takes our emotions and feelings on a roller coaster ride. We are happy when something happens that we expect. We are sad when what we expect doesn't go the way we plan. Life experiences will continually be a roller coaster ride, but we have a choice to experience the ups and downs without letting it change our true nature. This is joy, a product of our true being. Meaning, it doesn't matter what happens, experiences are just that; experiences, that will come and go. I am who I am no matter what. If we can separate our true being from our life experiences, we then not take challenges, trials, etc. so seriously letting them make us miserable, but we quickly seek the solution to make a change for the best. When we feel better, we do better! We still can have an optimistic attitude in times of trials. We do find the answer to life problems quicker when we operate in joy!