Friday, July 22, 2011

Understand Balance and Overcome!

Everything is enter/exit, up/down, light/dark, etc. Although opposites, they encompass the balance of life. In our down or dark times in life we must not see it for negative, but a time where we must BE STILL, reflect on the circumstances we're being confronted with in order that we correct errors. We are better equipped mentally to handle situations when we are in a mindset of peace. Why? We will not allow things to disturb our oneness with the Most High and then wisdom comes quickly with instructions on how to overcome and have a victory report in the end.

Friday, July 1, 2011

How Well Do You Handle Criticism?

Open rebuke is better than secret love. What does this mean? Many people may disagree with this statement, but it comes right from the book of wisdom, Proverbs. To rebuke someone is to bring correction. For example, if a child is wondering in the street, will you whisper to them or yell to get their attention so they can get out of harms way. So, it is with open rebuke. Correction should be given immediately, not worrying about hurting someone's feelings...and let's not be quick to correct someone just for our own glory. We must check ourselves as well. Are we open to corrective criticism? Can we "man-up" and take responsibility for our mistakes without defending our wrongness or making excuses? The sacred scriptures also mention, faithful are the wounds of a friend. Those who love us will tell the truth no matter what and be there in our time of healing.