Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Will you help those who've hurt you?

What would you do if your siblings threw you in a pit to kill you as a young child, sold you into slavery to a nation apart from your parents, told your parents you were dead and after many years had to come to that nation for survival in which you now are ruler over under the King?

In the Sacred Scriptures: Genesis chapter s 44 - 46 we see where Joseph who has been made ruler over Egypt for interpreting Pharaoh's dream was being sought after by the people in other lands due to the famine because he was able to provide them with food for survival. His 10 brother's, who threw him in a pit and sold him to be a slave to the Egyptians when he was younger, and deceived their father into believing he was dead, were sent to Egypt to buy food from the ruler, Joseph. They were unaware of his status and Joseph didn't make himself know to them at first.

Now what would you do? Many of us would have them suffer for what they did, but not Joseph. Although he provided them with more than a sufficient amount of food to take back, he secretly put their money back into their sacks and tested them in other ways to see if their wicked ways have changed. To make a long story short, Judah layed his life on the line for their youngest brother as a promise to their father that they would not allow harm to come upon him as it did Joseph at a young age. As a result, Joseph never held it against them because his purpose in God was fulfilled and thus he delivered his family, brought them to dwell in safety near him and reunited with his father.

You will be surprised that betrayal of family is in God's plan to make you a deliverer to them if you can get beyond the hurt and pain and go forward. For this cause you maybe separated yourself from them, just like Joseph, and make your way prosperous in a place of unfamiliarity....but when your time of extreme fame comes and your family is in need, remember Joseph and model after him. (What would Joseph do?) You do the same.

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