Friday, December 31, 2010

You Cannot Redirect the Blessing, but You Can Spoil the Dream

Each person before birth has a specific purpose to fulfill. With this is a special blessing that no one can change even your parents.

Gen 48:13-20 Before Jacob (named Israel by God) died, his son Joseph brought in Manasseh and Ephraim, his grandsons to be blessed. Now, normally the eldest son gets the higher blessing, but not in this case. As Jacob, Joseph's father placed his right hand on the younger Ephraim and left hand on the older Manasseh, Joseph attempt was to change it. Jacob refused and let him know that's how the blessing was intended to be. Both will rule, but the younger shall be greater. Although Joseph was displeased, their was nothing he could do, but accept it.

So this only brings to understanding why some children don't fulfill the dream their parents have set out for them to fulfill and are disappointed. Many parents don't know the destiny of their children and tend to set them on a wrong path. All the time the child is fighting against it; that which we call "being rebellious". And now that I understand, the child has every reason to be. This is probably the reason many children grow up never fulfilling their dream (God placed within), because they struggle with parents, who are the first teachers in life and thus, life becomes a struggle. We must let our children walk in their true purpose. If we watch their behavior as infants, they will gravitate towards that dream (piano, drawing, painting, writing, etc.) with joy and then we've got the picture of what their destiny shall be if we as parents help to nurture it at their young age.

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