Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wisdom and Understanding is better than Silver and Fine Gold!

Why is the man who find wisdom and get understanding happy? Why is the merchandise of wisdom better than the merchandise of silver and fine gold?

Well, have you ever heard true stories of people winning the lottery and after a few years going broke? How can that be? Because just having money isn't good enough. The sacred scriptures declare that a fool and his money shall soon depart. A fool doesn't have wisdom, which is the application of knowledge. Once you understand what to do with the knowledge you've been given about anything, you manifest what you desire. Happiness is what you make happen.

Now these people didn't have knowledge of how to keep and increase what they received in abundance. Therefore, they lost it all. It's not just to say, "If I just had $_________ amount of money, I'll be fine". That's so far from the truth. You must learn to master and increase what you already have. Then shall your wisdom bring forth more money in abundance.

Prov. 3:13 & 14 Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding: for the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold.

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