Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Be a Time Investor not Waster!

Time is a precious commodity. It is something we are each dealt an equal amount of---no discrimination. What we do with our time really determines our destiny. Dreams can only come into really when we stop thinking about it and be about it----do something about it by taking advantage of the time we have and being productive. People who miss appointments or are late for an appointment, proves they don't value time or the people they are dealing with. Once time is lost, just like life, we can never get it back. So STOP being a time waster and began being a time investor.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Do It Now!

Do what you fear and watch it disappear! What is it you desire to do? Have you put your dreams on hold even the more because you think: "I'm too old"- "it's too late"- "I don't have time now" or you have the "Who", "What", "How", "Why" syndrome. Throw all those out of the window, Now. Just start now by doing a simple thing like writing. Write down that dream you still have hidden in your heart to do. Then begin making a plan and schedule on how you will fit the "do" into your daily life just maybe an hour each day or every other day until it comes to view for all to see. As long as you are alive, you can do it.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Be Grateful For What You Have!

You can never have what you want until you want what you have. Many may not understand this statement. It clearly means that we can be so in pursuit of something, neglecting to cherish what we already have. For example: You may have a used car that's paid for, but seeking to get a brand new car with monthly payments, when in actuality, you fail to keep the one you have tuned up and oil changed at the proper time. Does that make sense to you? What we have in our lives now is what we deserve! If you disagree with this statement because you don't like your situation, take note that you played a part in where you are in your life, whether you allowed somethings to take place or you actually took action that put you in the position you are currently in today. The truth hurts, but it healing. We can begin to make quality decisions and make changes for the best.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Work it! You're Worth it!

Phil. 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. We are created in the image and likeness of the Creator of all things in heaven, earth and in the seas. Therefore, each individual has a divine spark of genius within. Once we really understand this, then life becomes easy. Desires don't seem so far off. But mind you with this comes a great responsibility of self-discipline. Walking uprightly and living our lives according to divine will. Then through diligence in working on our dreams and goals continuously, they begin to emerge and come into manifestation. Now faith means right now action. So reach and work to make your dreams come true. Work it! You are worth it.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Understand Balance and Overcome!

Everything is enter/exit, up/down, light/dark, etc. Although opposites, they encompass the balance of life. In our down or dark times in life we must not see it for negative, but a time where we must BE STILL, reflect on the circumstances we're being confronted with in order that we correct errors. We are better equipped mentally to handle situations when we are in a mindset of peace. Why? We will not allow things to disturb our oneness with the Most High and then wisdom comes quickly with instructions on how to overcome and have a victory report in the end.

Friday, July 1, 2011

How Well Do You Handle Criticism?

Open rebuke is better than secret love. What does this mean? Many people may disagree with this statement, but it comes right from the book of wisdom, Proverbs. To rebuke someone is to bring correction. For example, if a child is wondering in the street, will you whisper to them or yell to get their attention so they can get out of harms way. So, it is with open rebuke. Correction should be given immediately, not worrying about hurting someone's feelings...and let's not be quick to correct someone just for our own glory. We must check ourselves as well. Are we open to corrective criticism? Can we "man-up" and take responsibility for our mistakes without defending our wrongness or making excuses? The sacred scriptures also mention, faithful are the wounds of a friend. Those who love us will tell the truth no matter what and be there in our time of healing.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Patience is a Virtue!

Do you know you can miss out on what you desire if you're not patient. Many times we are ego tripping, thinking like a child, "I want it and I want it now!" That which we want may not be what we need at the time. There is then a preparation period we must go through as well as a test to prove to ourselves if we can be faithful and grateful for that which we have at the present moment. A key to always getting what you desire is stop looking for personality fulfillment and seek fulfillment of the soul. What I mean is, "I want this, or that"- particular house, car, etc. You may not qualify for "this or that", but you will qualify for something that suits you at the time. Don't be disappointed, just accept the blessing, that which you can honestly handle. Be open to everything and attached to nothing.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Everything is enter and exit, up and down, light and dark, etc. that encompasses the balance of life. There is a time and season for everything under the sun. The down/dark/exit times in our lives are moments we must "BE STILL", go within when we are without, reflect or confront so we can correct. Being uncomfortable only means we are overqualified for that place where we are in our lives at that moment. We must always move forward and progress each day just as time goes by-constantly moving forward no matter how we feel. Stillness is a part of progressing in the rejuvenation, restoration and replenishment of spirit, mind, body and soul.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Wise Woman Builds Her House!

"A wise woman builds her house" comes from the book of wisdom, Proverbs. She doesn't literally get out there with brick, cement, sheet rock, etc. (wouldn't that be something), but she fashions herself according to sacred morals and principles of truth. She is slow to anger and speaks to enlighten and encourage others. She loves at all times and speaks the truth in her heart. She is a woman of virtue and is perfect not because she doesn't make a mistake, but perfect in knowing her self worth in spite of. She is complete within herself and knows her place when relating to men, displaying honor at all times. She will do her mate/husband good all the days of his life and teach her children according to the law set in agreement by the two of them. She makes the house a home, for the entire family. And here she stands, blessed and highly favored.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Your Response Determines Your Wisdom!

In the book of wisdom, Proverbs 9:8-9 declares: Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee. Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.

Reprove means: 1. To voice or convey disapproval of; rebuke. 2. To find fault with..

Scorner means: 1. One who scorns; a despiser; a contemner; 2. One who has a disdain feeling towards a person or object considered despicable or unworthy

According to Proverbs and the definitions above, a scorner seems to be the opposite of a wise man. So it is safe to say that a scorner is a fool. We are either foolish or wise by our reaction or response to corrective criticism. Life is about continuous growth that comes with learning and being a life long student of progress. Listening and taking head to that which can help improve our performance and productivity counts us as wise. Wisdom is the principle thing and is considered to be far above riches. Wisdom is the answer to any problem, circumstance or challenge one may face in life. The answer brings peace and joy. The book of wisdom also declares that a fool/scorner and his money will soon depart. What good is it to win the lottery for millions of dollars and waste it all due to lack of wisdom to increase and keep it circulating.

Wisdom is the principle thing and in all get understanding.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Greater is He.......

If we are created in the image and likeness of God, that makes us co-creators. (Gen 26-28) We were already blessed and equipped with His Divine power within to accomplish any thing we desire. There is no such word as "I can't" in our vocabulary (Phil 4:13) declares, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. What dreams have you put on the back burner of your mind because you think it's too late or you "can't" afford to do it? STOP! That's only fear-False Evidence Appearing Real- God would never give birds the desire to fly south if south didn't exist. Don't you know you are His masterpiece, the best out of all creations...He saved the best for last and commanded us to be fruitful, multiply, replenish and have dominion. This is proof that our desires are; de-of; sire-the Father. Therefore if you and I have a desire, the destiny is awaiting. Start NOW!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Corrective Criticism-Can You Handle It?

Open rebuke is better than secret love. What does this mean? Many people may disagree with this statement, but it comes right from the book of wisdom, Proverbs. To rebuke someone is to bring correction. For example, if a child is wondering in the street, will you whisper to them or yell to get their attention so they can get out of harms way. So, it is with open rebuke. Correction should be given immediately, not worrying about hurting someone's feelings...and let's not be quick to correct someone just for our own glory. We must check ourselves as well. Are we open to corrective criticism? Can we "man-up" and take responsibility for our mistakes without defending our wrongness or making excuses? The sacred scriptures also mention, faithful are the wounds of a friend. Those who love us will tell the truth no matter what and be there in our time of healing.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Beauty in Just Being You!

True beauty is appreciated when we DO NOT compare ourselves to others. Individually, we are all born with uniqueness; from facial features, body structure, height, etc. This means that you and I cannot be duplicated. That's a wonderful thing. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made, Marvelous are the works of He who created us! I'm so happy no one looks just like me. Although I favor my sisters and many people say my nieces favor me more so than my daughter, there is no one like me! And just the same with go ahead love on the beauty and uniqueness of just being you.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Happiness vs. Joy

Happiness is based on what favorable happens in our life. This takes our emotions and feelings on a roller coaster ride. We are happy when something happens that we expect. We are sad when what we expect doesn't go the way we plan. Life experiences will continually be a roller coaster ride, but we have a choice to experience the ups and downs without letting it change our true nature. This is joy, a product of our true being. Meaning, it doesn't matter what happens, experiences are just that; experiences, that will come and go. I am who I am no matter what. If we can separate our true being from our life experiences, we then not take challenges, trials, etc. so seriously letting them make us miserable, but we quickly seek the solution to make a change for the best. When we feel better, we do better! We still can have an optimistic attitude in times of trials. We do find the answer to life problems quicker when we operate in joy!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Silence is Golden

Have you ever met someone who just begins telling everything going on in there life? This happens to me all the time. But I wonder, how many other people do they meet and just share their life, past and present with. I mean, come on a complete and total stranger. You are considered foolish when you utter all your business. You have people who share their relationship problems on TV talk shows and Social media. We are to be discrete in our daily living, walking in truth and wisdom. Now I can say for these people, they haven't made too many wise choices in life and are having a hard time dealing with the consequences. They are also not to spiritual because they should seek counsel with someone who can not only help guide them, but swear to secrecy.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Become Debt Free

If you want to get out of debt, STOP creating it. Start by cutting up your credit cards. Why? If you don't have the cash to pay for the purchase, then using your credit card is borrowing money that must be paid back. It's money you don't have at the moment. So the money you'll make in the future is already designated to pay for your purchases you've made in the past. Sounds like insanity.

Pay more than the minimum amount on your credit cards to help cut the debt down quicker. It may take some time, but little makes much.

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Power of Words

Proverbs 21-The book of wisdom declares that death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

Whatever we speak has power to bring forth the manifestation before us. Many times people say what they believe in their own reality/world which may not be the truth, but it becomes the truth in their conscience. For the most part, we operate or take action according to what we believe which makes the secret of our future hidden in our daily routine. The words are seeds to action. Action is the seed to the harvest or "fruit" as mentioned in proverbs.

This is also quite AWESOME, because if we are more mindful of our thoughts and words, keeping them positive and full of life, we will began to operate as such to change those situations in our life that we aren't to happy about. Happiness is what we make happen and it begins with our choice of words.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Wise Woman

In Proverbs it mentions that a wise woman builds her house. So for us women, married or single, we must build our house. Daughters grow up learning from their mothers how to be either a wise or foolish woman. In building, whether it's your self image, your family, your husband, ect. there should be growth and elevation. But it begins with a sound/strong foundation, one set by the morals and values of esteem and honor. Successful marriages and close knit families are made by living according to these principles which encompasses love.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Give and It Shall Be Given!

There are universal laws of morals one should follow to live a life of peace and prosperity. Just as it rains on the righteous and the wicked person, gravity will work whether you are spiritual or not. If we learn to take advantage of these laws like (seed time and harvest-displaying good actions and in return receiving the same from others), life would be a joyous experience even the more.
So, if you're looking for love, give it. Looking for a miracle, be it. Looking for financial increase, give the energy to produce it. So on and so forth. What life presents to you is what you've been giving.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Everyone has time!

Everyone is measured the same amount of time during each day-2hrs. The difference between those who are successful and those who fail is how they use this gift. The wise value time by producing cycles of action. Therefore being productive by making plans and implementing them immediately. Others who complain about time, seem to waste the moments by being unproductive or scattered in their thoughts and goals without even writing them down; thus losing focus.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

No Expectations-No Disappointment

Many of our frustrations come when we expect certain people in our life to do things for us or act a particular way. When promises are broken, we are stood up or left hanging, what do we do? Better yet, how do we feel? We are so easily moved emotionally; saddened, upset, nervous, etc. If we can awaken to the reality that no one has to do anything for us---REALLY---then the battle with emotional upset is stripped from our being. Expect nothing and NEVER, EVER be disappointed again. Easier said than done.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wisdom Manifests!

Happy is the man who obtains wisdom. Why? Wisdom is the application of the knowledge received to whatever question/challenges in life we may encounter. Just having knowledge isn't good enough; for it is only potential power. Real power is in the applying the information (knowledge) to bring a change for the best results.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Desire, Faith and Manifestation

Desire is the flower that must be watered by your faith. Now faith is an act. Therefore, faith without works is void. Do what you desire! Don't stop! Press, push and pursue continuously until you see the desire manifest before your eyes. Despise the doubt, shame or negative words from those that don't see what you see. They're not supposed to see it; for the dream was given to you. As you saw it in your mind, you will see it in time, if you are diligent in well doing. With diligence, you will reap in your season.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What are you expecting? Do you have the faith for it?

What are you expecting to happen in your life? What are your hopes and dreams? Better yet, Do you have the faith for it? What I mean is, do you really believe that what you desire in your heart will and can happen or are you just dreaming your life away.

Desire means that the destiny exist. There is no way you can imagine something great from within and there not be an answer for you to accomplish it. If we see it in our mind we can see it in time, but only if we act upon it. The faith for it is the actions we are willing to put forward to make whatever dreams we have come to reality. Like Nike says, "Just Do it"! Start by writing it down on paper and getting a plan together. Then move and begin implementing what is necessary. It won't happen over night, but the diligent one will prosper in whatever he/she puts action to.

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Giver is the Getter!

Whatever you are in need of in life, give/share it!
*Need more love, give more love.
*Need more money, give/invest more energy/money.
*Need more time with your man or woman, make yourself move available when they need it.

*Need to save your family from divorce: GIVE your husband/wife priority over the children; GIVE more of your ear to hear the problem and increase communication: GIVE up your time and make their time with you more valuable; GIVE time to strategies for collective financial increase if this is an issue; GIVE UP THE GOSSIP TO OTHER PEOPLE ABOUT YOUR FAMILY PROBLEMS, ESPECIALLY IF THEY ARE NOT QUALIFIED TO HELP YOU!

It's the law of reciprocity: that which a man sows, that he shall also reap. It works. The giver is the getter!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Time Waits for No One!

Every purpose in life is ordered by the Most High through time. It's a gift to us to operate systematically and orderly as we go through our daily routine. Time is our only true commodity. It is something every man, woman, boy and girl is equally given (our right of equality). It doesn't discriminate, giving some of us more in a day than others.

The difference in the outcome of people lives is the value that is placed on the time given in a moment, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year or season. Why do some people accomplish more than others? Because they value time enough to be consistent in working towards a desired goal until accomplished.

It's not too late to accept time for it's true value and not waste anymore. Begin by doing things in a timely manner, not waiting to the last minute. Redeem the time lost in areas of life by refocusing yourself and getting rid of the time wasters in your life. Take more time to change your world then "the world"!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Morals and Values for Living Life

The original morals and values for living life to it's fullest are not lost. They still exist, but as new generations have been birthed on the scene these principles haven't been taught to them. Let's open your eyes and take a look around. It's CHAOS! With society today, anything goes and the conscience to do right and live a life of honor and integrity has been severed in the minds of many people.

In order to change the world, we must first change our world by taking inventory of our lives to see if we are being great examples of love in every aspect of our lives. One important question is, "Do I know what real love is?" Don't answer so quickly. Let's use that question as a stepping stone.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What Does REAL POWER mean to you?

Many people lose self worth and value when they equate a title or position to "REAL POWER". Once we can embrace the truth that authority is intrinsic, we have tapped into our true source of Spiritual Power. With this awakening comes a sense of purpose for life. We begin to dream again, and true desire to manifest the glory of the special gift God has placed on the inside of each and everyone, in it's own uniqueness, begins to find it's way to the surface of our thoughts, words and actions. Then we are able to walk in the light of being who we were really meant to be.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Authority Is Intrinsic!

Authority is intrinsic. Meaning we all posses the power of authority within whether we have someone to supervise us or we are the supervisor over someone's life, work, etc. This doesn't mean that one should disrespect those that have rule over them, but honor their position. Why? If you or I were qualified for that particular position, then we would be in it (whatever the position maybe----president, governor, secretary of state, pope, bishop, supervisor, parent, etc. This goes across the board of life.

Once we can tap into our own personal authority to proper rule our lives and change it for the better in every aspect, we will find that there is NO DREAM OR GOAL out of reach. It takes more than desire though. Desire followed by discipline and then come the opportunity to share our gift/dream with the world. Look at Susan Boyle. She never gave up, but took the opportunity when it was presented before her on "Britains Got Talent". Although everyone mocked her, even the judges, she humbled herself by respecting the authority of the judges before her. And when her moment was before her, she blew them all away. Those that laughed cried and all gave her a standing ovation.

Now that was someone who tapped into her personal authority....look at her now! If she can, so can you and I.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was aware of the principles of morals and values and lived his life accordingly. He understood the value of authority, honor, submission and secrets that provided him with the key to individual accomplishment and corporate success! He had a dream that has come true in the lives of us today who have not a clue of the struggle, pain he endured to make it possible for us. We should ask ourselves, "If I would leave this earth today, what will people say I have contributed to humanity"? If you have not a legacy for your future generations, then you and I have some work to do! STOP DREAMING A DREAM AND LIVE THE DREAM! Peace

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Each One Reach One-Think Generational

Have you really awaken to see what is going on around us? Well, if not, I'm going to enlighten you. There are currently 5 Generations living and working on the planet together at one time. Wow! What's the atrocity? It's not a generation gap, it's a broken bridge. The lines of communication have been disconnected. The sad thing is, we can communicate through all other means of technology, need I mention them, (iPhone, Internet, etc), but care less about the communication with our families on a generational level.

This is why anything goes now. So much disrespect for biblical laws which were the foundation for the family during the time of the elderly generation who are still here. But as these builders had their children and so on, the foundation to strengthen the family has weakened and thus the family up til today.

If we are to help our youth and younger generation to awaken to truth, we must began to reinforce spiritual morals and values. And be an example of how to live a righteous life before our creator. This is our responsibility. People wake up and change.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wisdom and Understanding is better than Silver and Fine Gold!

Why is the man who find wisdom and get understanding happy? Why is the merchandise of wisdom better than the merchandise of silver and fine gold?

Well, have you ever heard true stories of people winning the lottery and after a few years going broke? How can that be? Because just having money isn't good enough. The sacred scriptures declare that a fool and his money shall soon depart. A fool doesn't have wisdom, which is the application of knowledge. Once you understand what to do with the knowledge you've been given about anything, you manifest what you desire. Happiness is what you make happen.

Now these people didn't have knowledge of how to keep and increase what they received in abundance. Therefore, they lost it all. It's not just to say, "If I just had $_________ amount of money, I'll be fine". That's so far from the truth. You must learn to master and increase what you already have. Then shall your wisdom bring forth more money in abundance.

Prov. 3:13 & 14 Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding: for the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold.